Numbers Chapter 31: War! Vengeance is the LORD’s!!!

Welcome back to Marie Speaks GOD’s Grace Bible Study.

What to expect this lesson?
This Lesson will be a review HaShem’s Commandments of reuenge or avenge upon the nation of the Midianites and Moabites. The Midianites linked with the Nation of Moabites, where the nations of sorcerers that the evil King Balak used upon the advice of Balaam (the a ba’al prophet); to lure and entrap the children of Israel (men of leadership positions) into whoredom(ritual sexual perversion or occult sexual rituals that invoke demonic spirits). After the revenge battle is completed HaShem then informs Mose that he would be gathered unto his people.

We reviewed these Bible Studies in the Chapters of Numbers 22 thru 25.

Numbers ch 24 The 2nd Oracle of YAH through baal’s prophet ballam “The LORD their GOD is with them… There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel”

Numbers ch 23 Evil can not curse, What and Who The LORD Our GOD has Blessed; for it is written.

Numbers ch 22 For the love of money, a donkey has more sense…What is in a name? balaams of the world shall pay in JESUS Name. AMEN!

The BLOG post that is coupled with Live Bibles Studies can be found by clicking here: Numbers ch 25: The Conclusion of balaam’s shame and The Beginning of Israel’s Glory.

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